Your all-in-one digital media solution.

Grimm Productions aims to deliver top quality content to clients and their audiences. Whether you’re a musician needing a music video to go with that new track, a small business looking for social media content, or a new startup in need of a logo and branding solutions, Grimm Productions can help you.

Based in South Brisbane, and launching in late 2022, we are looking to make waves in the industry and get noticed. So far we have worked with some talented Queensland bands to create cinematic music videos, snap some killer photos and produce some eye catching social media content. We find ourselves drawn to the alternative - specialising in horror, heavy metal and all things strange

(but don’t let that scare you off if you’re after something a little more mainstream!)

Samm Binstead - Founder

Hi, I’m Samm, the founder of Grimm Productions. I currently live in Queensland in Brisbane’s Southern suburbs with my partner Kirra, and our two cats, Selene and Grimm (who graciously lent his name to the studio!). As you may have guessed I’m a bit of creative who loves music, movies, video games and drawing. I like to spend the majority of my free time doing any of those things, or adventuring with my partner. I grew up in Hervey Bay - a relatively small town a few hours North of Brisbane, and spent the majority of my life living there.

The earliest aspiration I can recall having as a child was to be an animator - I loved cartoons (and still do), and used to spend a lot of my time drawing all throughout school. At some stage in my late preteen years I often found myself volunteering to be the family videographer - running around at birthday parties and family gatherings with a video camera, adding in my own commentary on what I was filming. When I hit my early teens I discovered the guitar, and for the most part that was my main hobby from then on. I did still draw a lot and occasionally got behind the camera - I took film and TV in my senior years at high school and made my first documentary following one of my friends to class for a week and recording everything he did (much to the dismay of his teachers). But ultimately I had decided I wanted to be a musician. I ended up playing in a bunch of bands throughout the years ranging from doing grunge covers in high school to being in a progressive thrash metal band for the majority of my twenties, and a couple of pub rock cover bands. Eventually life got in the way and I decided I needed to focus on a serious career - I decided to go to University in 2019 at the age of 28. After a brief stint living in Adelaide, South Australia for a couple of years and doing some soul searching, I moved back to Hervey Bay, and enrolled in an online degree through the University of South Australia (unfortunately my local Uni didn’t offer anything other than teaching, nursing or business degrees).

After graduating from University with a Bachelor of Digital Media in mid 2022, I decided I wanted to put everything I had learned to use and work in the digital media industry - but there was one problem. I didn’t know which avenue to go down. Did I want to specialise in graphic design? But then I also really loved creating music videos and documentaries throughout Uni… So maybe that was what I should dedicate myself to. But then when would I get to use the photography and musical skills I had built up? Trying to find a job that ticked all of these boxes was proving to be an impossible task, so I decided to take things into my own hands and launch my own business. One that didn’t limit me to being just an editor, or graphic designer, or any one single discipline. To me, being multi-skilled and working in a range of disciplines is the best way for me to stay motivated, inspired and satisfy my need to be constantly challenged. It is my hope that I can grow with Grimm Productions and eventually expand into offering many more services in the future.

I hope you’ll come along with me on this journey and be inspired and entertained along the way.

Feel free to email me if you have any feedback or enquiries - the best way to help this business grow is to let us know what we can do better, and what we’re doing well!
